Samsung has confirmed that its next flagship device will be called the Galaxy Note 7, and will be unveiled on August 2. The smartphone will be unveiled at Samsung's Galaxy Unpacked in New York at 11am EDT, and will be streamed live on the company’s website.
Samsung's previous Note series smartphone was named Galaxy Note 5, so naturally, initial expectations suggested the present generation device to be named Galaxy Note 6. Finally, and a stack of rumours later, Samsung clarified its decision to skip a number and name the phone Galaxy Note 7. The company said that the name would complement the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge, and would unify its portfolio. Further, the name would also minimize any confusion about the latest technology from Samsung.
Details of the device are not yet known, and it is speculated that it will sport a 5.7-inch QHD dual-curved display. The Note 7 is also expected to feature an iris scanner along with 64GB of onboard storage. It is also tipped to feature a 12MP Dual Pixel rear camera and a 5MP front-facing camera.
A few days ago, Steve Hemmerstoffer, aka @OnLeaks allegedly posted a few photographs of the upcoming device on Twitter. The images showed the black variant of the device, and judging by the images, the phone also seemed slightly thicker than the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge.